I let myself float

  I was not sure where I was to go, whether left or to the right. Right felt right, but left looked uncertain and yet captivating. I moved a few steps to the… Continue reading

Is there really something as happiness?

There was this piece of conversation with scholar B. Alan Wallace that I came across and I wanted to share it here. It talks about ‘What is true happiness?’ http://www.alanwallace.org/tricycleihappiness.pdf It was a… Continue reading

I am my eyes..

I am my eyes that brings out the inner beauty and also takes in the outer beauty from entire world. I have a protective layer that I have created to keep me away… Continue reading


As the days come closer to my start at University, I am reminded of my ‘A’ levels. My dad had accompanied me right from the beginning- buying the application to the first day… Continue reading

Belief Vs Hope

  There is a big difference between hoping for something to happen and believing that something would happen.  It is good to always have hopes, but in my case, I feel it kind… Continue reading


  He: constantly told himself that they were just friends, but the closeness did not seem like it. She was now somebody else’s. He tried hard to resist, but knew eventually that he… Continue reading

From there to here

    How we got from there to here? You tell me that you cant remember, and so ill answer it for you. Though perhaps not the way you want me to. We… Continue reading

What it means to you?

    I asked him how close he was to me. Rate me on a scale of 10, 10 being max. He said, given that I have not really spoken to you for… Continue reading

She fitted him

Pop up! He said you beat her hands down any given day, but for her smile, hair, height, figure, complexion. She sulked and said what more is left anyway. You will never have… Continue reading

It just happened

  The phone beeped and she quickly grabbed the phone. Little did she know that this beep was going to be valued a lot more than most of the beeps. They clicked and… Continue reading